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Please note: If a specific zip code search does not find any matching results, the results displayed will reflect other surrounding zip code areas.

Sexual Assault Response Coordinator (SARC)
Service Name Base DSN Phone Number

Civilian sexual assault service provider
Organization City Phone Number

Vet Centers Directory

Vet Centers offer community-based counseling and other services to eligible active-duty Service members and Veterans. To find your closest Vet Center, click here.

Family Advocacy Program

The Family Advocacy Program, or FAP, is the Department of Defense program designated to address domestic abuse, child abuse and neglect, and problematic sexual behavior in children and youth. FAP services are available at every military installation where families are assigned. Locate FAP Victim Advocates and other domestic abuse resources on and off-installation with the Victim Advocate Locator – whether you’re in the United States or overseas. Click here.

Civilian Legal Resources

VA and civilian legal resources are available to Service members affected by Sexual Assault. For more information on the resources available, click here.

Chaplain (Available during duty hours)
Service Name Base DSN Phone Number

Legal Services
Service Name Base DSN Phone Number

Medical Personnel
Service Name Base DSN Phone Number

Military Police (Not Confidential)
Service Name Base DSN Phone Number

If you are a service provider looking to change, add, or remove contact information in the Responders Near Me database, please go through your chain of command to contact your Service SAPR/SHARP headquarters.